Thursday 23 May 2013



It is not easy to describe a noun. In simple terms, nouns are 'thing' and verbs are 'action'.

 Like food. Food (noun) is something that you eat (verb)

Or happiness. Happiness (noun) is something that you want (verb)

Or human being. A human being (noun) is something that you are (verb)


A simple definition of nouns is a person, place or thing. Here are some examples: 
  • person : man, woman, teacher, Rosli, Marliana
  • place   : home, office, town, Kelantan, UTM
  • thing    :  table, car, banana, money, music, love

~the problem with this definition is that it does not explain why "love" is a noun but can also act as a verb.
Do watch this video, it explains on how to use the term 'noun' to refer to naming words and it also shows the rules to identify a noun in a given sentence.
(it explains how love can act as a noun and also as a verb)


Select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the sentence.

1) It will take all of you energy and will to be able to work again.
     (a) take
     (b) all
     (c) your
     (d) energy
(2) The works of many great poets have been placed on reserved.
     (a) many
     (b) great
     (c) placed
     (d) reserved
(3) The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883. 
     (a) bridge
     (b) was
     (c) opened
     (d) in
(4) Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.
     (a) and
     (b) were
     (c) during
     (d) war
(5) Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons
      are made of cartilages rather than a bone.
     (a) true 
     (b) because
     (c) their
     (d) bone
(6) Joe, have you met your new boss?
     (a) have
     (b) met
     (c) your
     (d) boss
(7) Sue's parents tried living in the north, but they could not adapt
      to the cold
      (a) north
      (b) but
      (c) not
      (d) adapt
(8) Mastering basic mathematics is an important goal for younger 
     (a) mastering
     (b) important
     (c) younger
     (d) students
(9) To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant
      disregard for diplomatic neutrality. 
     (a) seize
     (b) its
     (c) flagrant
     (d) neutrality
(10) The Trojans' rash decision to accept the wooden horse
        led to their destruction.
     (a) their
     (b) led
     (c) accept
     (d) destruction

                             ~Click here for more quizzes~


Here are some grammar's feed that can help you vary your vocabulary.